Welcome to Wigan Borough Community Cycling Club
Who are we? and what do we do?
We are a group of like minded cyclists who enjoy – the great outdoors – each others company – a laugh and a joke – plus the occasional drop of liquid refreshment. Not necessarily in that order mind. Our group is made up of both genders, mixed physical ability and a variety of ages, (we do limit this to 18 plus though, the younger one’s are much too quick for us).
We don’t race, wear an abundance of Lycra, give awards or titles, other than for notoriety that is. We do however like to explore the local tracks, trails, bridle-ways, roads and towpaths our region has to offer, distance we cycle ranges from between 15 to 50 miles depending on the selected route. We cycle every Tuesday and Thursday from Trencherfield Mill in Wigan, covering up to 25 miles over a couple of hours (give or take) and try to get out on a longer ride every few weeks. Cafe stops are almost mandatory, usually mid-point somewhere on the longer rides and at the end on our Trencherfield rides, we have also been known to get tempted into the occasional licensed establishment, purely for essential fluid intake of course!!!!
All our rides are planned in advance and posted on the Upcoming Events page, they mainly start from a local meeting point, but at other times from various locations around the North West. All the rides are led by experienced leaders and paced to suit the relevant conditions, terrain and participants on that particular day.
Joining Us
Simple process, all we ask is that you complete and sign a membership form and read a copy of our club Constitution & Code of Conduct, before cycling with us. Membership fee should you decide to become a member is currently £10.00. Fee is payable before or at the time of your next subsequent ride. If you need to get in touch with us, send a text to 07379 918419, please include your name and e-mail address if possible, along with your enquiry. Someone will get back to you!
The forms below can be downloaded, please complete the membership form and bring it along with you when you’re ready to join us on a ride.
Any queries regarding the data we keep, should be made via e-mail to jim_taylor48@yahoo.com
Membership Application Form 05-18
Thank you for visiting our site and we look forward to you joining us on a ride in the near future.
Happy Cycling!