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Our very own Tour-De-France

Several of our members have just returned from what I am led to believe has been a fantastic few days in France. As you would expect there have been several dramas along the way but everyone survived to tell the tale.

Many thanks to Jim for organising the trip, no doubt slightly less hair now, than what he went with, couldn’t be any Greyer! Special thanks to Pemphil for doing a day to day report as the tour progressed. Great job Phil.

Reports attached below.

Have also attached a select few photos, the remainder are on a link in Day 2 along with a video (you have been warned)

Loire Valley Day 1

Loire Valley Day 2

Loire Valley Day 3



The Motley Crew

The Motley Crew

The Pride of England?

The Pride of England?

Out for a stroll

Out for a stroll

The Overnight Cells

The Overnight Cells

TDF 12a

French Relations

French Relations

A Helping Hand

A Helping Hand



It's A Hard Life!

It’s A Hard Life!

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