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The Three Musketeers finally made it to Hornsea and are now safely back home. Here’s a few pictures from their travels.

Report for the trip is quite a read, not exactly War & Peace but getting there. Would be writing about a journey involving Denis and Roy. See what you think anyway, may be an idea to make a brew before you start!

Trans Pennine Trail

May explain the map reading prowess !

May explain the map reading prowess !

A Blossoming Bromance

A Blossoming Bromance

The boys with their "Venuswalen" friends!

The boys with their “Venuswalen” friends!

The Matching Twins (even their gloves)

The Matching Twins (even their gloves)

No were definitely here!!!!

No were definitely here!!!!

One Comment, RSS

  • gordon says:

    Fantastic report for the trans penning ride…Thank you.
    Thoroughly enjoyed the report, sounds like you had an enjoyable time despite the little diversions…..but 50+ miles a day Denis, you’ve got to be joking!
    Well done all.

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