Think we set a club record today for bums on seats, literally. Twenty two of us headed over to Pennington in the Autumn sunshine, Haigh Hall had been promised and everyone was rather disappointed at not having any hills to negotiate, there’s always next week and the week after etc etc. Another new member joined our ranks on this one, hope you enjoyed the outing Phil, likewise to our guests Graham & John, hope to see you again soon, don’t get used to the flat terrain though the other members would go mad if we didn’t offer up a sprinkling of hills, (“like that phrase Denis”). Fifteen miles covered heading around Pennington, through Crankwood, across to Viridor and finally back to Three Sisters for Tea & Tiffin. Highlight of the day, actually seeing Plank Lane Swing Bridge being used, what exciting lives we have!
Same time, same place next week if you fancy coming along!