Great to see so many of you turn up for our first outing of the year, even managed to get a bit of sunshine as well, not sure how but were not complaining.
Please note: next weeks Tuesday ride will be from Trencherfield Mill
Forgotten something Thelma? Heard of people forgetting their wheel (haven’t we Christine) but not the Bike! Be really impressed if you actually managed to ride it!
Reverend Taylor delivering the morning sermon, don’t think he’s quite captivated the congregation!
Not the most scenic route out of Three Sisters!
Some dramatic back-lighting on display!
Was it something you said Doreen? Or just wind!
Not sure what Phil was doing but it certainly shocked Joyce!
Whatever it was, it definitely amused Fran!
Don’t you just hate it when you turn out wearing odd coloured shoes!
A portrayal of yesteryear Wigan if ever there was one! Apart from the hi-vis that is!
Not so often you see them walking up here!
Here’s another, she’s still smiling though!
Always knew Tony was destined to make a big splash!