Home > Outings > Hilldale Adventure


These two look like they mean business, and so do Doreen & Enid!

These two look like they mean business, and so do Doreen & Enid!

John giving his new steed a run out, seconds before dismounting for the footpath obviously!

John giving his new steed a run out, seconds before dismounting for the footpath obviously!

Thats quite an expression Gary, cant think why!

Thats quite an expression Gary, cant think why!

Trencherfield 5.7.2016-00-32-35-285

Its not like you were in the middle of something Jim!

Our very own Where's Wally challenge, or in this case Where's Eric?

Our very own Where’s Wally challenge, or in this case Where’s Eric?

Nosey bugger!

Nosey bugger!

Quick pit stop before the off-road adventure!

Quick pit stop before the off-road adventure!

Everyone up for next weeks challenge!

Everyone up for next weeks challenge, anything for a free refill eh!

When I was a lad all this was just fields, still is Jim, still is!

When I was a lad all this was just fields, still is Jim, still is!

Careful Jim you don't know what lies ahead!

Careful Jim you don’t know what lies ahead!

Just a thought Jim but there may be another hundred of them lying in wait!

Just a thought Jim but there may be another hundred of them lying in wait!

Not often you see a Dalmatian equipped with a Chainsaw!

Not often you see a Dalmatian equipped with a Chainsaw!

Well the dogs have had his bike that's for sure!

Well the dogs have made off with his bike that’s for sure!

"Arghh Jim Lad" and his leg by the look of things. Not to worry Jim, we can always get you a Parrot!

And his leg by the look of things. Not to worry though, we can always get you a Parrot”Arghh Jim Lad”

In a bit of a predicament it seems Sheila!

In a bit of a predicament there Sheila!

Ian's got your back Rita, no need to look!

Ian’s got your back Rita, no need to look!

Guest for the day!

Our guest for the day!

The mandatory bridge photo!

The mandatory bridge photo!

Not the worst place to cycle!

Not the worst place to cycle!

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