Home > Outings > Short Back n’ Sides

“Turned out nice again!” heard that before somewhere. Great weather as you can probably tell from the images, another good turnout and not a shabby route either.

Not keeping you up are we Ray?

Not keeping you up are we Ray?

Great bit of road positioning, all across it!

Great bit of road positioning, all the way across it!

Meerkats have spotted something, hope they never need it!

Meerkats have spotted something, hope they never need it!

Disco Diva Doreen shaking her funk! Funk I said!

Disco Diva Doreen shaking her funk! Funk I said!

Now now Steve, just because you can I suppose!

Now now Steve, just because you can!

Now she's doing her Wonder Woman slow mo!

Now she’s doing her Wonder Woman slow mo!

Not a bad bit of countryside!

Not a bad bit of countryside!

Here he is, Mr Grumpy!

Here he is, Mr Grumpy!

Fancy having your own site entrance!

Fancy having your own site entrance!

Little n' Large!

Little n’ Large!

Who's nipped in for a quick trim!

Who’s nipped in for a quick trim!

Smiling through gritted teeth!

Smiling through gritted teeth. Doesn’t look much of a hill, must have been wind!

Now thats's a smile!

Now thats’s a smile!

There had to be a puddle, bet Anthony managed to get on the right!

There simply had to be a puddle, bet Anthony managed to get over on the right though!

It's Little n' Large again!

It’s Little n’ Large again. Quite a few Littles by the look of it!

Nice bit of road management there Tony!

Nice bit of road management there Tony. Did the pub have any bearing on it?

Liz doing a spot of photo bombing!

Liz doing a spot of photo bombing. And making the most of the School Hol’s

Bit of de-ja-vu this one!

Bit of de-ja-vu this one!

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