Bit of a hastily arranged route this one but Denis & Jim H delivered once again, not the longest of routes at 15 miles but there was a hill or two involved and some very pleasant scenery. Cheers gents very much appreciated, as was Petes contribution filling in the paperwork and Rays fine camerawork, thank you!

Couldn’t resist using this again, wonder if they have a rear entry!

Ray getting his priorities right!

Keep your eyes on where your going Carole, you never know what might happen!!!

Our guest for the day getting into the swing of things!

Anyone would think we were regulars at the Balcarres, we do seem to be there quite often!

Backpack looks heavy Denis, whatever have you got in it?

What a fine view, don’t you agree Thelma!

Looks like the drawing pin issue has been resolved!

Jim H has taken over the lead, hold onto your helmets folks!

Yes Keith, the camera is working!

Carole looking a bit hesitant, wonder why?

Now we know, go on Carole if Tracy can do it you can!

There are two ways, the easy way and Jim’s way!

How long before this is classed as an old bag?

Full of determination there Jean, hands up who puts their tongue out when they’re concentrating hard!

The Thin Grey Line again, you’ve all rode along it surely!

Back at base and Anthony’s uploading to Strava already, at least the bikes clean this week!

Last but not least, our cameraman taking a sneaky selfie. Cheers Ray some cracking shots!