Like a number six bus this ride, hadn’t been over to Pennington and Crankwood in ages, then twice in consecutive weeks. Not the nicest of mornings thats for sure, so hats off to all those of you that turned out! Mixed bag with the photos on this occasion, looks like there was a smudge or something on the lens that didn’t help matters, along with the inclement weather that is, still managed to come up with a few though. Many thanks to Lobby Lud for doing the camerawork, Brian for editing and last but not least Roy for leading, much appreciated everyone.

What’s that you’ve got on your head Joyce?

Vultures are circling, think they could smell fear, (or something).

Still a smile despite the conditions!

Looks a bit chilly!

Go on, you can do it Trace!

You don’t want to be turning right there Colin!

Here we have Roy doing his best Star Wars C3PO impression and Clive sneaking a crafty fag!

Oh no I’ve been rumbled, quick hide me!

I was only pretending, just like I am now, honest!!!

Quite a pose that Tracy!

This looks like new territory!

Yeah, new one on me!

Well if you they need them Roy!

Why are you walking, didn’t fail the lessons did you?

Big smile for the camera Doreen!

And were still pushing, must have failed miserably!

Was it a compulsory sponsored walk as punishment?

Hang on a bit, were back riding again!

Give us a wave!

What a great photo, can’t quite see all the lake though, someone got in the way!!!