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WBCCC 9th AGM 2022

Where have the last 9 years gone. Countless outings have taken place, several cycling holidays, lots of laughs and banter and a few mishaps as well to balance things up. Many members have come and gone during that period...

General Meeting

Many thanks to those of you that attended the meeting, your involvement was very much appreciated. Huge thank you must go out to Phil for stepping up to the plate following some late apologies by the other club officials....

4th AGM

Wasn’t as well attended as previous years, but the evening slot and rather icy conditions probably didn’t help. Huge thank you to those that did manage to attend or send apologies. Quite a few of decisions were made regarding...

3rd AGM

Fantastic turnout for the meeting, finding a suitable venue for next year could be a problem, albeit a nice one to have. Yet another year of growth for the club, with significant increases in membership, participation and events planned....