Home > Event > Delamere Delight
12 June, 2017
Carriers Inn, Delamere Road, Norley, Cheshire, WA6 6NL

Browse map

  • Not a great turnout for this one but as they say Quality not Quantity!!!  We commenced at the Carriers Arms in Delamere with Phil/Jim/Dennis/Rita/Pauline/Pete/Roy/Tracy.

Led by Steve this was billed as a flat ride with just a lumpy bit at the end.  Seemed the initial concerns were not regarding mileage or climbs but could people last to the first toilet stop!! Must be an age thing??

Straight away, however, Steve admitted to some serious misleading as he’d suddenly remembered at least two more biggish hills along the route!!

Off we went with Steve leading. However this only lasted about half a mile when Dennis decided he’d ‘help out’ and proceeded to the front. First proper stop was at Chester Zoo where we fed the animals. Most had a coffee with a chocolate biscuit!!  (and that’s just the animals)

After a pitstop and Tracy had led the oohs and ahhs at the baby elephants, we continued into Chester were we stopped on the Riverside for our proper lunch. Most had brought butties although Pauline decided to buy the biggest two scoop ice cream ever seen!! Although she struggled to consume it, none was offered to anyone else.  Guess it was too good to share.

Meanwhile much discussion was held between the Rhine Valley Ten as to who had volunteered for various important duties on their upcoming ride. Seems the crucial decisions made in the Central seemed to be clouded by forced induction of beer.

Anyway, back to this ride and decisions were to be brought into sharp focus when we made our way out of the picturesque village of Christleton. On a 3 way junction down a quiet country lane Steve went one way and Dennis the other. All Ok. But then Tracy and Pauline followed suit but with disastrous consequences as they collided and Pauline went down heavily. She had badly hurt her wrist. Dennis kindly offered to find help in a local B and B, which resulted in the owner ferrying Pauline and her bike back to her car, which she was just able to drive back to Wigan Infirmary. Unfortunately she had broken her wrist. Get well soon Pauline!!!

We continued over the cobbled bridges which Phil will remind me again of the names and ultimately back to the base of our last climb. This was a corker but reflects how far the club has improved that everyone did it with little or no trouble.

Back to base and one last disappointment was that the pub we parked in doesn’t open on a Monday!!

Never mind. Thanks to all who came along on what was a good weather day and was generally agreed to be a good route.

At least one or two were listening Steve!

No mention of this in the risk assessment!

Mind your head!

Nature girl!

Doing their utmost not to look!

These three couldn’t give a s***.

Feeding time at the Zoo, sorry that was earlier!

Giant Pigeon swoops in for Denis!

Yeah right!

Mind the bend!

Hope to see you back out with us soon Pauline!

The show must go on!

This has Jim H written all over it!

Picture of the year, wont ask where you were going in such a hurry!

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