No report for this one but it was certainly a drier this time around, we didn’t need the rowing boats! Great turnout, some cracking weather and most of all brilliant company. Hope our guests enjoyed themselves!
Cheers to Roy for leading and Brian for the camerawork, much appreciated fella’s.

Steve’s gone for the summer look, Pete’s hedging his bets and Roy’s still in Winter mode!

Wouldn’t argue with Jean today, she’s got that look in her eye!

Or any of them for that matter, they’ve definitely got in on them!

Spotlights on Roy for the briefing, he’s loving every minute of it!

All looks very dignified, that won’t last!

Didn’t last long at all.

At least he’s leading from the front this time!

Not too many photos of Elaine but this is a cracker!

How about this for the Three Wise Men competition?

Hows it going Paula?

Looks like your enjoying yourself Sheila!

Gary seems to know a short cut!

Last one for a while Phil.

What’s betting no-one saw the sign!

I’m a little teapot, tall and stout!

Welcome sight. Been in here quite a few times!

Chill out time!

It’s that little teapot again, Gary’s joined in as well this time!

Dilemma here for Chris, do I save some or not!

Nice to see everyone cycling up the hill.

Spoke too soon, it’s turned into a sponsored cycle push!

It’s never that big John!

They didn’t see this one either!

There goes that dignity again, thought Thelma may have joined in!

Someone went the wrong way by the look of it!

Roy and Thelma deep in conversation!

He does go on a bit Thelma, no need to block his mouth up though and yes, you do look guilty!

It’s those Three Wise Men again, or maybe not!

Slight knee problem here for Enid I think!

Jean is full of sympathy as you might imagine!

Apologies, it’s a knobbly knee contest!

Elaine thinks she’s won, disqualified though because we cant see them!

Late entry from Sheila, going to be a tough call.

Thelma flexing her muscles!

And we have a knobbly knee winner!