A lucky group of thirteen riders set off from Town Green just after 10.00am on Sunday 12th December 2021 to enjoy the delights of a cycle ride around the lanes of West Lancashire. Rain in the previous week had created a lot of surface water and in one or two places puddles covered the whole of the road. Some of the group had used the ride as an excuse to bring out older bikes that had not been ridden for quite a while.
The weather was particularly kind for the time of year, unusually warm with sunny spells and no rain during the ride. You did notice the wind, however, speeding along with it at your back or head down in a lower gear when riding into it.
We made quite good time on the outward leg so much so that one or two decided to give their bikes a much needed wash, along with their feet and other body parts, courtesy of one of the aforementioned puddles and a not too considerate driver. That driver was pretty much the exception though, quite a few were very considerate, letting us through at junctions etc and giving us a wide berth, nice to come across.
Approx 11.30 am after fifteen miles of cycling we arrived at Burscough Wharf for a bite to eat and a hot drink, welcomed by the strains of a live band playing Christmas Carols, somewhat Les Dawson style I might add, all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order! We all sat outside to enjoy though, which was testament to the balmy conditions of mid December.
On the way back we were joined for a brief spell by a group of cyclists from Sefton Velo, they looked the part all attired in club kit, but they couldn’t keep up with us though (ahem) and soon disappeared. We continued to the outskirts of Churchtown and Southport and finally into a strong headwind along the A 5147. The group by this stage had split into 3 and the wind had made the 3 miles feel more like 12, every left turn we came to we were hoping to see a corner marker and the chance for a breather. Finally we came across the welcoming sight of Allan at the junction of Hall Lane and Pygons Hill opposite what used to be the Hayloft Cafe.
We returned to Town Green just before 2.00pm after cycling about 33 miles. Thanks to Frank M for back marking the ride, which…luckily, was incident free. Apart from the free bike wash!!!