Brilliant ride over to the Hayloft, had some superb weather once again and welcomed our latest member along in the process. Nine of us made the journey, covering almost 34 miles and climbing about 1200ft, did say it was a flat-ish ride, resigned myself to the fact that no-one believes me anymore! Everyone enjoyed the slog, sorry ride back up to the top of the Beacon, highlight of the day for most of them, think thats what they were saying anyway. Did our good deed for the day as well, retrieved a wallet and phone from the middle of the road, not much life left in the phone, but a relieved young man and his wallet have since been reunited.
We really need to do this route again, if for no other reason than the scones, needed the hill afterwards to burn the excess calories off!
Tasted every bit as good as it looked, you would have loved it Jim.