Cracking day out by all accounts and we had just about everything; glorious spring weather; a few hills; mud for Anthony and some much needed liquid refreshment to finish off with.
Mill to White Coppice

Which way today Jim?

Bit of sun makes all the difference!

Bit of a novelty, Christine with both wheels on at Trencherfield!

Three Amigo’s!

What a cracking picture, meant the Hall, obviously!

Tracey putting her new Steed through it”s paces!

Pity about all the traffic!

Wouldn’t be a hill by any chance?

Any easier on that one Trace?

Breaktime over, let’s have you lot back to work!

Glorious day!

What are you wearing today they asked each other!

Staying on the sunny side of the street!

Another for our Bridge collection!

Might of known there’d be a Pub involved at some point!

We all know Thelma likes a drink or three, but her slightly subdued reaction when she heard we we’re going back to Wigan Central is priceless, don’t you think!

All downhill from here apparently!

Apart from this bit obviously!

Stick to the dry line Chris!

Another for the collection!

Mud glorious mud!

Bet Anthony was loving this!