Great day had by all apparently, weather was kind and as an added bonus, Roy managed to get everyone back to the starting point.
Port to Port

That’s quite a steep downhill bit, or is it?

The hustle & bustle of city traffic!

Where’s Clive off to!

Another downhill?

Controlled chaos!

Walkie talkie isn’t working so i’ll just have to shout, Peter Kay style, so Mark cant hear me!

Joyce Orbison!

Not sure whats happened here but every bloke is cringing!

And women say childbirth is painful.

Wonder what Alan’s got his eye on?

Again I wonder what Alan’s got his eye on. Carole’s not come a cropper again has she?

Looks like all is well, for now!

All credit to Tracy, still managed to cycle, even with her badly deformed arm!

Butty time, standing room only though, apart from all the empty seats that is!

Time for quick five furlongs before we head back!

Pedestrians beware, low flying bikes! Lets see if you can spot this one.

Hope it’s not over jumps, Carole would be a faller at the first fence that’s for sure!

Sue’s having forty winks by the look of it, good job it’s a straight path!

Wide awake and refreshed again!

Wouldn’t be a WBCCC ride without a bit of mud, Carole on a new bike as well, what a shame!

What a gentleman! or should that be What, a gentleman!

Mrs Orbison concentrating very hard it seems!