Brilliant day out by all accounts, great route, terrific scenery and nice little pimple or two to climb. Well done Geoff, looking forward to your next ride already, thanks also to Mark & Phil for the camerawork and to Clive for the write up, very much appreciated gents!

Not to worry Rich, there’s always next year! (or the year after for that matter)

Unusual to say the least, Thelma that is, not the bridge!

All smiles at the moment, obviously hadn’t tackled the Beast at this point!

Not every day you get serenaded Fran!

Jim H must have had a hand in planning this bit!

No must about it!

How did they manage to coax Thelma & Tracy past the pub?

The promise of a tour round the gents seems to have done the trick!

Could you get any closer Len? The bench is sloping that way I suppose!

One for the album. Mark with his legs exposed, first time for everything!

Houston, we have a problem!

Ladies first, show us how it’s done girls!

If they can do it so can we, as long as we work together that is!

Careful Thelma, don’t want you falling in again!

At least that’s over with, plain sailing from here (or so they thought)

Is that what they call a close pass?

Len’s not impressed by that at all, Enid can’t even bear to look!

Right lad’s, what shall we do next?

Bottles ready, on the count of three. One, Two Three!!!

And Drink!!!

You’re looking rather sheepish there aren’t Ewe! Come to expect it off Tracy , but not Thelma, surely!

Wonder if Len & Gary have just spotted the Beast!

Now that does look steep, we have the first jibbers already!

Please direct all complaints to the gentleman on the right!
Only two conquered it apparently, bet Jim H was one of them, who was the other I wonder?

No need to ask what Enid though of it, expression says it all.

Thank goodness that’s over with!

Careful you don’t go over any bumps!

Must be hard going, Len’s face is the colour of his jacket!

What a sight, sorry I meant view!

Nearly over with, time for that well earned glass of lemonade!