What a glorious day for a bike ride, plenty of sunshine, just enough of a chill to make you pedal harder and barely a breeze to speak of (they wish), almost perfect conditions. Great route, another good turnout and as always superb company!

Happy new bike, colour co-ordinated as well, aren’t we posh!

Ever the professional our Ray, making sure he does his stretches before the off!

Not really a good idea to have both Walkie Talkies yourself Jim!

Novel way to get everyones attention Steve, amazing what a bag of sweets can do!

Ok so you’ve been fishing!

Close up time!

Our guests for the day, think one of them might be an Umpa Lumpa!

How’s the bike Joyce?

Lovely house, pity Phil got in the way!

Could it be Autumn by any chance!

Childish I know, but I do love riding over this bridge!

Let me guess, you’ve tilted your head to the left haven’t you!

Now where can I park it so it won’t get scratched!

Not a hill in sight, are you taking note Enid?

Single file only!

Wonder if the order was for a Horseshoe and the shoe part was smudged!

Is that a Hanky you’re using Denis or a Table-cloth?

Everyones eager to know, what colour was it?

Told you before folks, Hospital first, then the Undertakers!

What do think of it so far fella’s!

How did you manage to get your helmet on with those sticking out of your ears Thelma?

Is that the bit Jim helped plan?

Certainly had the weather for it!

Mr & Mrs!

Now that is a close up!

Impressive looking view, scenery’s not bad either!

Leaving everyone in her wake on the new steed!

What a place to let it all hang out!

Hanging out are we chaps!
Full credit to our cameraman, he forgot to bring the bike mount but still managed to get some cracking pictures, well done Pete!