Congratulations on your Golden Wedding.
Yes it is the pair of you, need to be careful who you confide in.
Married in 1964 in their native Liverpool before moving to Hawkley Hall not long after (couple of Hawkley’s first settlers). Got to be Liverpool’s loss and Wigan’s gain I would say!
Proud parents of Luke, Lee and Joanne, even prouder Grandparents to a combined total of 7 Grandchildren. Not sure how you happened to meet, but obviously some things are just meant to be.
Best wishes from all your friends at WBCCC, what a fantastic achievement. A pleasure to know you and a privilege to have spent time cycling with you.
Photograph below you may recognise!
Paul Boffey – you should get a job with MI6! I casually log on to check the meeting time and place for Sunday and this lot pops up!!!
A big ‘Thank You’ to you all for your friendship and fantastic cycling trips. Joyce and Ray
I shall be having WORDS with Luke …….