Due to the poor condition of some of the tracks that we use both getting to and from Three Sisters, we have taken the decision to change the meeting point to Trencherfield Mill. This will be the case until further notice. We understand that this may inconvenience some of our members and we do apologise, however after negotiating, or trying to negotiate some of them earlier, we felt it prudent both from a safety point of view, as well as taking into account the likely longer term damage using the trails in such a condition would cause.
Thank you for your understanding!
should check bike and website before setting off! Rear puncture on arrival at 3 sisters! changed inner tube…but this also punctured even though a new tube…no one at base so gave up, but probably couldn’t have continued anyway! with 2 flats! …now home and both punctures repaired…just checked website! !!!! will be at the Mill next week! js
A pat on the back to the thinker of this great idea!
Great idea, who was the negotiate or trying to negotiate with ?
Hi Roy, the negotiate referred to trying to get back from Scotsman’s Flash to Three Sisters up the notorious farm track. The one that’s decidedly dodgy in the Winter and seriously overgrown in the Summer.
I like the idea, it will give the Community Workshop a boost in revenue, also I’m sure Simon will be happy to help us out with any issues with our bike’s a win win situation 🙂
Good idea, it is so muddy!