The snow had cleared so it all systems go for our Tuesday jaunt, the hills were back on the agenda by the sound of things, can’t blame me on this occasion!
Flirting With Alma
Phil’s just told them they’re doing some hills, don’t they all look thrilled, so much so Joyce has turned her back on him!
100 yards in and the first hill of the day!
Now we know where Roy’s got the grumpy look from!
Canal’s rather busy!
Christine first to get acquainted with Alma!
The Cavalry’s arrived!
You’re not supposed to enjoy the hills so much Jean!
No disgrace Tracy, its a brute. The hill that is, not Chris!
Everyone looks much happier now, more hills needed!
Brian looks like he’s just won the Lottery!
Then realised he hadn’t bought a ticket!
January 21, 2016 at 9:20 am