Glorious morning yet again, 22 of us taking part covering a quite respectable 23 miles. Headed out through the Town Centre & Mesnes Park getting as far as Parbold via Gildlow, Standish & Wrightington. Return journey was was a leisurely amble along the canal back to base at Trencherfield.

Pre-ride entertainment, courtesy of Sheila!

Slightly more ladylike this week Rita!

Altogether now with the chorus!

Can’t say were not a friendly group, very friendly it seems!

You wouldn’t be showing off by any chance with the new bike, would you Jean?

First time we’ve rode through the park if I’m not mistaken!

Looks quite spectacular, wouldn’t think it was Wigan!

You’ve got a rival for the class clown position Thelma!

The race is on, go on girls you can catch em!

Nice to see everyone behaving at the junction!

Deodorant needed for Len please and how tall does Jim look, it’s like he’s grown another foot overnight.

No, my mistake, still only got the two!

Everyone’s giving Len a wide berth, wonder why?

Like the bike Jean, very nice!

No comment needed!

Not sure why they’re playing hide n seek, but John’s definitely cheating!
Love every minute. What a great bunch, so glad I made all these new friends.