The rain had to catch up with us eventually and today was the day, didn’t put many off though, still had eighteen turn up for our Trencherfield outing. Len kindly led the way once more and took us via Bryn, Downall Green, Billinge & Kings Moss as far as Pimbo, another new area for us. Return was via Upholland, Tontine, Orrell & Pemberton for a much needed pick me up at the Community Cafe. Nineteen miles covered in total, including a slight hill or two, it was Len leading after all.

Smiles all round, happy to see the rain for a change!

We all know what you’ll be up to later Anthony!

Looks like he’s heading for Shaley Brow!

Perhaps not!

That’s a proper summer sky!

Tower Hill next stop!

Keep it going Les, nowhere near the top yet!

You’re making it look so easy!

Checking for stragglers!

No reason, just like the photo!

Len’s after your crown Phil. “King of the puddles”

The inner child, out to play on this occasion!

Poles apart, one pole anyway!

No reason again, just like it!

He’s a serious contender Phil.

Just speak to each other, for goodness sake!