Home > Outings > And They’re Off

Beautiful morning for a bike ride!

And They're Off

Trencherfield 19.7.2016-00-01-38-588

Taking in every word Phil, apart from Enid that is who couldn’t give a S***

Has a week off (without a sick note) and come back minus a leg!

Has a week off (without a sick note mind) and comes back minus a leg!

This could get interesting for the road bikes!

This could get interesting for the road bikes!

I did say interesting!

I did say interesting!

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Good attempt whoever it was, but you need to tuck your elbows in a bit more!

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Wasn’t you was it Roy?

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Eyes on the road Tracy if you don’t mind please, you’re not missing anything!

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As good a place for a chat as any I suppose!

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Remember where this is folks, you may need it later!

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When the going gets tough!

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This lot get going, pity the tough hasn’t started yet though!

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Maybe now it has!

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Where’s Wally competiton is a little easier this week!


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At least you know where Soapy Bob’s is!

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It must have been either Tracy or Thelma that suggested stopping there!

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Miracle’s will never cease, he’s got his leg back!


2 Comments, RSS

  • Eric Dailey says:

    I am giggling like an idiot after reading this weeks photo captions. They always amuse me but they seem to be getting funnier every week. No pressure then.

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