Jim H once again was happy to lead the ride and came up with a somewhat different route to Borsdane Wood.
There was also the usual Jim H special sections – Mud & Jungle!!! Rode for 13 miles, walked them 3 miles and carried them for 2. Only teasing Jim, great route, thanks for leading!

It’s Back!!

He’s smiling at the moment!

Abbey Road once again!

Any excuse for a natter!

Congestion ahead!

How many times did you wheel the bikes on this route?

Unusual camera angle!

Still smiling!

It wasn’t that steep surely!

No need to carry the bike Anthony, it’s not that bad!

On the otherhand!

Rode this with Jim previously, couldn’t see the cobbles that day, grass was 3ft tall at the time!

Looks like Clive forgot his deodorant this morning!

A view from the other side – and a very nice view it is too!

He’s over the mud already, nothing a bucket of soapy water won’t sort out!

Only Amberswood to go, the worst must be over with surely!

Pete has his doubts though!

It’s not bad at all Pete, you’re worrying about nothing!

Getting slightly worse, you may be onto something!

Okay you win, there is a trail there somewhere Pete, Honest!

Finally, this weeks “Where’s Wally”