Sixteen of us made the effort on this one, including Alan G & Richie our two latest members. Very nice route with just the odd hill to make it more of a challenge, the breezy conditions made it feel like a longer ride than it actually was and yet again we seemed to be facing a headwind all the way round a circular route? Another reason it may have felt longer was the Muppet at the front with the Garmin, rode past the Boat Lift and had to double back, wasn’t very far but we did descend a rather tasty hill on the way out, everyone loved climbing it on the way back, think they did anyway!
We’ve all rode round our local areas in the past, this time it was Jeans turn. The route took us right through her old stomping ground, got to see Jean’s first ever school over in Antrobus.
Great day everyone, thanks for coming along.
See you soon