Home > Event > Country Roads
21 November, 2016
Park at end of cul-de-sac, Spark Hall Close, Stretton, WA4 4NU

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Three words to describe this particular outing “Wet – Wet and Wet” not forgetting bloody cold as well, just for good measure.

Hats off to all those of you that turned out on what was a pretty nasty morning weather wise, finger of blame well and truly pointed in the direction of Angus! By all accounts a great route though, one that really needs to be done again in warmer and somewhat drier conditions.

Only a few photos the week, never really good quality when the weathers bad!


Match the quote to the individual "I really don't want to be here" "Rain what rain" "Did I lock the front door or not"

Match the thought!  “Rain, what rain”  – “I really don’t want to be here” – “Did I lock the front door or not”

It's only spitting!

It’s only spitting!

On the other hand!

On the other hand!

Bit dodgy on those thin tyres Denis!

Bit dodgy on those thin tyres Denis!

Is that you in there Thelma!

Is that you in there Thelma!

Hope that's just water you're riding through!

Hope that’s just water you’re riding through!

Sight for sore eyes!

Sight for sore eyes!

Looks very scenic!

Looks very scenic!

He's forgot all about the front door!

He’s forgot all about the front door!

This should be interesting!

This should be interesting!

CarefulClive, at least it's only water if you did fall in though!

CarefulClive, at least it’s only water if you did fall in though!

CarefulClive, at least it's only water if you did fall in though!

Careful now Clive, at least it’s only water if you did fall in though!

Cancel that last comment, don't really want to be falling in that!!!

Cancel that last comment, don’t really want to be falling in that!!!


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