Home > Event > Guild Wheel In The Dark
05 March, 2017
Broughton Inn, 502 Garstang Road, Broughton, Preston. PR3 5HE

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Not content with getting soaked to the skin on the 32 mile afternoon ride, this Deluded Dozen decided that it was a good idea to carry on and do another 21 miles in the dark. Suitably refreshed from their visit to the Broughton Inn, it was back out into the cold & rain once more. No-one would have blamed you for taking the easy option and calling it a day, so credit where credits due for sticking with the task, you have my utmost respect, all of you. Appointments to see the local shrink however are available upon request, generous discounts for block bookings!

Few photos for you but Dark and photography don’t really go hand in hand. No comments to go with them but hopefully they may give you a bit of a feel for what night riding is about! If the chance comes up again give it a go, you won’t regret it!


3 Comments, RSS

  • Pauline and Alan Taylor says:

    Hinive filled in the booking forms but please could you book Alan and me on this although we are not sure if we can do the day and the night rides. Thanks Pauline

  • Jim Taylor says:

    As you say Paul, as I’m leading on this one it would be a good idea to get my name included.

  • Phil 1 says:

    I’m ok for this one, Paul as long as Jim get’s me home for bedtime!

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