Good turnout again for this one, more than had actually booked on it in fact.
Twin Lakes

Nice bit of re-surfacing work, must have cost all of a tenner!

Look of sheer determination there Denis, pity it was only the canal bridge!

Great vantage point Pete, were you on a boat?

Noah’s Ark formation!

What’s it like being able to play out Liz?

WBCCC Direction Finder – Stop and Ask

The noise that bridge makes is brilliant!

Don’t you agree Fran!

Mr H doing a bit of photo bombing!

Feeding time!

Definitely on the WBCCC cafe list!

Nice cycling gear David. (cycling gear – get it)

Careful, he has been known to bite, you might want to warn the dog!

Not sure what Ray’s up to, Bruce Forsyth would have been proud!

What a horrible looking leg, the other one with nettle rash on isn’t much better!

Nurse Doreen to the rescue!

Anything in your Nurses bag for Enid’s constipation Doreen?

And were back to the start. Great ride Phil and some cracking photos Pete, brilliant job!