Thelma’s Treat?
Superb turnout for Thelma’s first club lead, can’t believe this is the same woman that was fazed by hills not more than a few months ago! Thelmas Treat
Superb turnout for Thelma’s first club lead, can’t believe this is the same woman that was fazed by hills not more than a few months ago! Thelmas Treat
Absolutely glorious morning for our Trencherfield outing, is Spring finally here or is it just another false dawn. Penny Flash
Another fantastic turnout for the weekly excursion from Trencherfield, not so many photos though the stand in cameraman just isn’t up to the task, come back soon Phil, all is forgiven! Windy Arbour Blues
March saw quite a glut of rides take place, all of them seeming to be pretty successful. We also delivered our Women on Wheels rides on behalf of TfGM, hope they will be impressed with the numbers. Twenty nine...
Another well attended turnout from Trencherfield on what was pretty decent morning. Fresh from a pancake flat tour of Cheshire a couple off days earlier the hills just had to make an appearance. Haigh Hall for starters followed by...
The naff weather didn’t put too many people off, yet another decent turnout for our Trencherfield outing. Mud Glorious Mud
Brillant turnout again for our weekly excursion from Trencherfield and the glorious Spring weather made it all worthwhile, even the hilly bit! To The Beacon
Click on link below to see the full list of our upcoming rides from March through to August. In addition we have the second of our Ladies only WOW rides on the 20th March, the trip up the coast...
Somewhere different again on this one, our ride leaders are certainly pulling out all the stops in finding them for us. Not quite the weather we had for White Coppice but the route made up for it, almost! Oer’t...