Bon Voyage
Have a great Tour de France everyone, don’t forget to bring some sticks of rock back. Hope Denis doesn’t get lost too often!
Have a great Tour de France everyone, don’t forget to bring some sticks of rock back. Hope Denis doesn’t get lost too often!
Joyce kindly sent me some pictures of herself and Ray on a recent outing over on the Yorkshire Moors. Thought it a bit insensitive bearing in mind my current predicament, with friends like Joyce who needs enemies. (only joking...
The things we do! Quite a few of our ride leaders also assist Active Living in the delivery of their cycling programme. A couple of weeks ago, a request was made by Active Living for a couple of the...
Congratulations to Jim & Carolyn on the earlier than planned arrival of their Grand-daughter “Brooke” bet you’re thrilled. Pass our regards on to the family.
Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for Bill one of our newer club members. He was taken ill suddenly last week and is currently recovering in Hospital. Hope its a full and swift recovery, and we look forward to seeing you back out on...
Monday 14th April 2014 Many thank’s to everyone that turned up and took part in the first of this years route maintenance days. Seven hardy souls equipped with Loppers Shears and Secateurs, spent the morning cutting back the vegetation...