Home > 2016

Crank It Up!

Back to our roots on this one, some very familiar territory for most of us and quite strange for the others I would expect. Ventured back over to Three Sisters, Viridor, Dover Lock, Pennington Flash & Crankwood, brings back...

Bank Job

Quite an excursion this for a Trencherfield outing, think Phil wanted something to be remembered for while he swanned off to Thailand. New territory for some of the group I would imagine and one of the areas toughest climbs...

Blackrod Blast

Quite an impressive turnout for this one, bit of an Autumnal feel to the weather but absolutely fantastic considering the time of year. Another 18 miles clocked up heading out as far as Blackrod via Amberswood & Hindley Green,...

Toogood For Some

Nice pleasant jaunt over to Wrightington on this outing, one or two hills along the way much to everyones delight. Round about 20 miles covered but only 28 minutes of it on film for some reason though, Brian’s done his level...