Country Roads
Three words to describe this particular outing “Wet – Wet and Wet” not forgetting bloody cold as well, just for good measure. Hats off to all those of you that turned out on what was a pretty nasty morning...
Three words to describe this particular outing “Wet – Wet and Wet” not forgetting bloody cold as well, just for good measure. Hats off to all those of you that turned out on what was a pretty nasty morning...
Not to bad a day by the looks of the weather forecast, a tad crisp though one would assume. Many thanks to Alan for leading it for us and doing the write up. back-to-chester
What a glorious day for a bike ride, plenty of sunshine, just enough of a chill to make you pedal harder and barely a breeze to speak of (they wish), almost perfect conditions. Great route, another good turnout and...
Brilliant day out by all accounts, great route, terrific scenery and nice little pimple or two to climb. Well done Geoff, looking forward to your next ride already, thanks also to Mark & Phil for the camerawork and to...
Adventure was in the ride title and adventure we certainly had. Richie brought his bike into Gearing Up for some work done on it after the ride and Muggins here drew the short straw, lets just say the workshop...
Now here’s a first, got the photo’s ready before the write up! Write up now received: Ride The Lights 300816
Sounds like this quite was an interesting ride: Some decent mileage clocked up as well, 60 plus for Tracy, Anthony & Len, well done folks! Heading West Ride Report
Not quite as many taking part on this one as we would have imagined, but not a bad turnout at all bearing in mind the lack of information about the ride beforehand. Hope you all enjoyed it, that’s the...
Good turnout again for this one, more than had actually booked on it in fact. Twin Lakes