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A Grand Day Out

The last time we did this route was the first outing after the enforced Covid hiatus about 18 months ago. The weather that day wasn’t particularly kind, to be honest I don’t think the ride reached a conclusion, bodies...

Trough Of Bowland

Great route and some stunning scenery. Beautiful morning for this excursion round the Trough! Last time out it was the Windswept Dozen, this time it was the Half-Baked Half-Dozen. Mentally half-baked for opting to do all that climbing in...

Another Place 2022

Windswept Dozen or Sandblasted Dozen (not quite the same ring to them as the Dirty Dozen) but a good description of the conditions nonetheless. Meeting point was a tiny carpark that we managed to cram 6 vehicles into and...

Preston Docks

Just the five of us ventured out on this run to Preston, weather was kind to us and the sun even made an appearance towards the end. Quite an urban route going but lots of country lanes on the...

Wigan Loop by Night

For once the forecast was spot on, heavy rain throughout the day but clearing mid afternoon to leave a dry chilly evening with temperature dropping to just above freezing overnight. Enough to put most off riding, but seven hardy...