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Heading East

Heading East Fourteen booking for this notorious ride resulted in twelve riders making the start line, one late cancelation and one of the two potential new members unaccounted for (could have been put off by the unpredictable weather –...

Delamere Delight

Not a great turnout for this one but as they say Quality not Quantity!!!  We commenced at the Carriers Arms in Delamere with Phil/Jim/Dennis/Rita/Pauline/Pete/Roy/Tracy. Led by Steve this was billed as a flat ride with just a lumpy bit...

Up Before The Larks

Not quite the turnout we were hoping for but we still managed to tempt a few hardy souls out of their warm beds. Even managed to attract a certain rain-shy individual out into the damp morning air (name has...

Carbon Trail

Considering the state of the weather we had a brilliant turnout for this outing, all credit to those hardy souls that made the effort. We still managed a few no-shows though, courtesy of  the “if it’s grey, we don’t...

Mersey Gateway

This ride certainly brought out some interesting riding styles and vehicles at the lunch time stop at Walton Hall Gardens Cycle Museum.  The locals seemed quite bemused by the activities. Mersey Gateway We had a brilliant turnout for our...

Kirkham & Back

The length of the report by Phil Tolstoy reflects the length of the ride!! This ride turned out to be like the Grand National but without the fences. We started out with 24 riders and ended with just 10....

Anglezarke Loop

We await feedback from those who took part, but the number of bikes that required a little TLC back at Gearing Up would suggest it was an eventful ride! Anglezarke Loop (aka Ride of Attrition) Ten brave souls arrived...