Ride Calendar
Here’s the list of the upcoming rides we discussed at the last meeting, good mix of local and not so local venues so hopefully something to suit everyone. Plus we have the WOW rides in March and the Morecambe Bay event...
Here’s the list of the upcoming rides we discussed at the last meeting, good mix of local and not so local venues so hopefully something to suit everyone. Plus we have the WOW rides in March and the Morecambe Bay event...
John has sent through some pictures from his travels, said he was missing the cold weather. Looks a dam sight colder where he is, the Penguin’s don’t seem to mind though! Finally one thats taken somewhere warmer!
Great turnout and some great weather for our latest venture out from Trencherfield, beautiful morning for cycling but bloody cold. Warm drink was most welcome when we got back to Gearing Up. Next outing is on Monday 2nd Feb, we’re...
A glorious morning was in prospect for our latest jaunt from Trencherfield, would it stay that way? Mooching Round Hindley
The majority of our ladies gave this particular ride quite a wide berth, only one was woman enough to brave the elements, to be fair though it would have turned into a bad hair day for them. Still had quite...
Not exactly ideal cycling weather for our venture out to Borsdane, may be a clue in the title! Plenty takers though, despite the conditions. Blustery Borsdane
The snow had cleared so it all systems go for our Tuesday jaunt, the hills were back on the agenda by the sound of things, can’t blame me on this occasion! Flirting With Alma
First ride out from the new venue, not the best of mornings by any stretch of the imagination. Still had a decent turnout though! Little Scotland
Great to see so many of you turn up for our first outing of the year, even managed to get a bit of sunshine as well, not sure how but were not complaining. Please note: next weeks Tuesday ride will...
Due to the poor condition of some of the tracks that we use both getting to and from Three Sisters, we have taken the decision to change the meeting point to Trencherfield Mill. This will be the case until...