Women On Wheels 2017 Main Ride
Just about got lucky with the weather again, despite a poor forecast earlier in the week it turned out to be quite a decent morning. Great route, couple of nice hills and some wonderful scenery. Many thanks to...
Just about got lucky with the weather again, despite a poor forecast earlier in the week it turned out to be quite a decent morning. Great route, couple of nice hills and some wonderful scenery. Many thanks to...
Not content with getting soaked to the skin on the 32 mile afternoon ride, this Deluded Dozen decided that it was a good idea to carry on and do another 21 miles in the dark. Suitably refreshed from their...
Quite a decent turnout considering the conditions, just the slightest hint of moisture in the air I’m led to believe!
Great turnout ladies, hope you all enjoyed yourselves. the weather kindly played it’s part staying dry & sunny until we got back. Many thanks to the ride leaders & support group and special thanks to Clare & Lynette for...
We did manage to avoid too much rain, but there was quite a wind we had to contend with, BUT the drink and large Scones and Jam at the Hayloft helped fortify us for the return journey. Not a...
Great day had by all apparently, weather was kind and as an added bonus, Roy managed to get everyone back to the starting point. Port to Port
A little chilly this one apparently, put one or two off it seems, but we still managed to tempt 19 of you out of your nice warm beds. A Ride of Two Halves Change of approach this week, tables have...
Last outing of the year and not a bad one to finish with. Clearly remember doing something similar to this for one of our very first club rides, bet everyone found the climb up to the Pigeon Tower easier...
This 34 mile ride was successfully completed at around 15:00 and all riders returned safely to the starting point. Below is the Ride report along with some photographs taken at the start point of the ride. Charismatic Cheshire 18-12-16
The wheat was definitely sorted from the chaff with this offering, well done to those of you that made the effort, seriously envious to say the least! hill-challenge-04-12-16